Croatia was beyond beautiful and there were too many photos to show you in one blog, so I thought I would write another post about my holiday, you lucky things.
It was fab to take the cable car to the top of the hill and we timed it just right to catch the sunset. I love seeing towns sparkle at night when all the lights come on, it always seems quite magical.
We were determined to have a super chilled holiday. Chris has been working flat out leading up to going away as he finished his graphic design course, and I have managed to bag myself a new, very awesome job - I know!, so it was a well deserved break for us both. A wine and jazz night was then right up our street. It was a man made concrete auditorium which, set high up in the hills, was again another amazing place to watch the sunset but this time it was accompanied with some seriously chilled jazz music. There is something about hearing the saxophone played live that gives me goosebumps - one of my most favourite instruments...and the wine was a good shout too!
We didn't get bored of Dubrovnik but we thought we'd take the opportunity to head over the border (which was about an hour away) to nearby Montenegro. So glad we did, it was even more stunning than Croatia, if you can believe it.
I was the only one who remembered my driving license - queue super nervous husband who barely spoke a word to me the whole way...I promise I didn't nearly crash the car...twice..oops! I blame the other drivers...definitely. It was such a nice coastal ride but being on the opposite side of the road, in a left hand drive and steep drops on the passenger side made it probably not the most fun road trip I had planned. More of a white knuckle ride for Chris. Next time hubby needs to do the driving!
I found it quite a cute contrast seeing all these beautiful buildings with washing hanging out everywhere. You forget that even though it's a tourist area filled with little shops and restaurants, that people do actually live there. You gotta dry your clothes somehow.
Maybe that's where they got the inspiration for a large over-sized washing line piece of art, if you can call it art....
Oh, and there were about a million cats everywhere you turned, too cute!!
We had been desperate to do a white water rafting trip but it wasn't possible so we opted for a sea kayaking trip instead. We were both a bit dubious about this, we were seeking some thrilling, action packed sport but it actually turned out to be one of my favourite days. Even if a lot of hard work.

Apparently we were good first timers - oh yeah - professional kayakers!! So our instructor took us on an extended trip, I'm sure we covered around 20km throughout the day - queue dead arms at the end of the day. I even saw dolphins jumping out the sea - I squealed when I saw them. The instructor (wish I had remember his name) and Chris missed it but when it happened again they saw it too - it was so amazing to see something like that in the flesh. You always see things like that on some nature program but its nowhere near the same as seeing it happen in front of your very eyes. The dream was slightly dashed when I was told, they weren't dolphins, they were tuna - damn! I'm going with dolphin anyway, nobody will know....
A good old portion of fish and chips kept the energy up - this is what I call a good hearty lunch yum yum!
Slightly frazzled preparing for the last leg.
Loving my kayak!
I told you there were a million cats. This one came and sat right by me, ah bless, shame he was too scraggy to cuddle.
It's always hard coming home after being somewhere so amazing. Oh well, I will just have to fill my time planning the next excursion....