I was itching to get my sewing machine out after watching the recent new series on the BBC, The Great British Sewing Bee. I say recent, it finished a few weeks ago now, I've just been too slow in photographing it to put on the blog to show you all. Did you watch it, I was totally hooked. I love how sewing has become 'uber cool' again. I was quite happy being a sewing nerd but now it's become mainstream again does mean fabric and haberdashery stores have been unearthed that I didn't know about before. They've become inundated by wanna be sewing enthusiasts - come join the club ladies!
Well, I have had a list of little sewing projects I wanted to do for ages but just never found the time to do them. On my list was a laundry bag and I wanted it to be practical and functional, not too girly (otherwise the husband gets grumpy - oops! ha ha!), but that still looked, well, nice. You can imagine my excitement when they covered this on The Great British Sewing Bee. I gave it a go, and do you know what, it turned out alright if I may say so myself.
I would have been even happier if I had managed to master my overlocker so I could finish the seams to a more professional standard, but no one is going to look inside, we'll hopefully not. That is another thing to add to my very long to do list!
If you want to give it a go yourself just follow this link for simple step by step instructions and you can have your very own laundry bag. I know mine is quite plain but you can definitely have more fun with the choice of colour and pattern in the fabric, even a little appliqué if you're brave enough.
Now, onto the next sewing project.....
Cheers for taking a look at my blog x