What is Bloglovin? Well, it is the place to be in cyberspace to keep a tab on your fave blogs. You get email updates as often, or as little, as you like from all the blogs you follow, and if you're like me, that can be quite a lot!
As Google reader is deserting us bloggers (Boo!), we need another central hub to remain a devoted online community. For those lovely people who do follow me via google, firstly thank you, secondly, it would be blooming marvellous if you could move your devoted selves to Bloglovin so you don't miss a thing.
Need more persuading?
You can organise the blogs you follow into neat little category's - great for all those 'Monica's' out there (that be me!)
You can 'like' and 'share' your fave blogs, help spread the lurrvve people.
A new platform for exploring and discovering even more new blogs, as if we need anymore excuses after this!
They have their own app and you can follow on twitter too @Bloglovin
If you are a blogger it's SO simple to set up an account, even if you own more than one blog, you can claim them all! So no excuse not to really.
There's no time like the present, and as google reader vanishes at the end of today, yes you read it right, today, hop on over and take the plunge.
Thanks guys and see you on the other side....
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Thanks for your messages.
I'll try to reply to as many of you as possible and will take a look at your lovely blogs too!
Quirky Pretty Thingz